Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I'm 50!

Hey all you  non-crazy people, this is my 50th blog post! How insane is that? I'm counting on you to tell me how insane it is, because I am insane myself and therefore do not have the perspective needed to make a judgment call.

I am insane because I have decided to write a NOVEL this month. Which, by the way, is also the month where I'm trying to find a new job, the month where my band is recording its debut album, the month where I started going to therapy regularly, the month where I'm trying to get back into my exercise routine, and the month where Thanksgiving lives.

I hope I'm not the only one attempting this thing who has so much going on.

Last night I wrote my first 1,661 words. It was fun, challenging, and taught me a lot. For one, I'm so freakin' bad at dialogue. Two, this thing is driving itself in a way. Three, 1,667 words is kind of a lot. Four, I better start writing long, descriptive paragraphs so this thing will be long enough. I think I have in my head how a short story is written, because that is the only kind of fiction I have ever attempted. Five, trying to write in the living room with the World Series on= bad idea. Six, I will have no social life for the month of November.

This book has no name yet, but I have a plot idea, four main characters, and two minor characters. So that's something. I will divulge more when I'm feeling more comfortable than I am right now. Hopefully that will be soon! Tonight I have a ton going on. I have an hour planned for writing, but that's really it. It may end up being a late night.

Love to you all for your encouraging words yesterday!

Oh, and I voted today! You should too!

PS- I took my scrolling amazon widget down, and replaced it with my NaNoWriMo word count widget. Check it!


  1. Wow, 50! It's gone by fast ... at least for me :-) Glad you're doing the NaNoWriMo thing. Our friend Andy did it a bunch of years.

  2. I've toyed with participating in that SO many times. ...I tend to think in big terms, though. Which is both why writing a one month novel would be very good and terrible for me.

    Hope you have a blast with it!


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