Sunday, November 28, 2010

Epic Fail/ Happy Thanksgiving

Whelp folks, there is no way I'm going to be able to finish my NaNoWriMo novel this month. I have failed you all. Please don't judge me. Or, if you do, just don't tell me you are judging me. Life has been insane with trying to find a job (scary!), recording an album, and traveling for Thanksgiving, and somehow the novel-writing did not make priority. However, I plan on finishing my 50,000 words, hopefully by the end of December. I will let you guys know when I finish (if you're interested). The perfectionist in me does not like not finishing (double negative, I know!), but I think I owe it to myself to focus on the job search, enjoy the holidays, and to write in a fun, leisurely manner.

So that's that.

As for Thanksgiving, I traveled back home and spent time at my dad's house and then at my mom's house. T'was lovely.

So here is my list of things I'm thankful for:

1. Non-judgmental blog-readers (that's you!).
2. A wonderful family (which is HUGE-mongous and crazy and absurd and awesome).
4. A wonderful boyfriend who loves me and who has finally finished making our workbench (ten points for him).
3. Healthy, sweet-cute bunnies (Coltrane had a health episode right before I left for home for Thanksgiving, which was quite worrisome. But, he's doing great now, so whew!).
5. Avocados.

I hope you all had wonderful holidays. I ate so much I literally couldn't move for 4 hours.


  1. you'll finish writing it at some point! :-) will i still get to read/edit?

  2. I didn't get my wall torn down this weekend. If you don't judge me, I won't judge you, K? Write as you wish....that's what REAL writers do anyway. :) Glad Coltrane is hippity-hoppity!

  3. Bean, of course you can read/edit! I'll send it to you when I'm done.

    Dharma, thanks for being an awesome non-judgmental person! I sincerely don't judge you for not tearing down your wall... besides, it was a holiday!


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