Saturday, November 13, 2010

DMV: The Game

Because I am close to 1/4 of a century old (yowsers!), I had to get my license renewed. And, because the great Commonwealth of Virginia has changed to a new system, you have to get the job done IN PERSON. So there could be no clickety-click, bing-bang-boom, wha-la, thank-yew internet. Meaning, brace yourself, it's time to stand in line at the local DMV building. With the annoying DMV people. And with the waiting. And the waiting some more.

The first game you play at the DMV is the "musical chairs" game. There are lots of unspoken rules, the most important of which is that you don't sit directly next to anyone unless you have to. You  must keep at least one chair in-between you and the complete stranger next to you. At least, that was my impression of the rules, until some dude decided he had to sit RIGHT next to me, even though there were plenty of other seats available. That made me quite uncomfortable.

The next game you play is Bingo. You are issued a ticket with a letter and a number, and this time mine was B100. There is an automated voice that calls out the number of who is next. She is the Bingo caller. For example, when I got there and got my ticket, the computer-lady-voice said "now serving B95 at window 11." And so I got excited; I was only five away from being helped. However, turns out there are more letters than just B. They called R181, E45, C92, etc. all before calling B96. And there I was with B100. I felt like I was waiting to win Bingo. And I also had a couple irrational fears. One being that they would skip my number, the other being that they would call me to a non-existant window. Irrational, maybe. But still, you sit and wait for SO LONG, and next to a guy who breathes really loudly, and behind a woman whose kid can't sit effin' still. Ugh.

And then a little ray of light shone down on me; they went from B97 to B100, skipping a few people (?). Bingo! So, I went up to window 11 and got my stuff taken care of. And then it was done, and that was that. I'd say I won that game.

And, cue the weekend... three, two, one, GO!

Happy weekend!


  1. Song of the Rose
    For Zeus chose us a King of the flowers in his mirth,
    He would call to the rose, and would royally crown it;
    For the rose, ho, the rose! is the grace of the earth,
    Is the light of the plants that are growing upon it!
    For the rose, ho, the rose! is the eye of the flowers,
    Is the blush of the meadows that feel themselves fair,
    Is the lightning of beauty that strikes through the bowers
    On pale lovers that sit in the glow unaware.
    Ho, the rose breathes of love! ho, the rose lifts the cup
    To the red lips of Cypris invoked for a guest!
    Ho, the rose having curled its sweet leaves for the world
    Takes delight in the motion its petals keep up,
    As they laugh to the wind as it laughs from the west.


  2. This link has nothing at all to do with your post, but I thought you'd appreciate it and this seemed like the easiest way to get it to you:

  3. Oh my goodness... I LOVE this! Thanks Bridget!


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