Thursday, November 4, 2010

Because I Promised

Whoa guys, this whole writing 1,667 words per day thing is hard! I'm actually really enjoying this though... it's nice to make myself write everyday. So, as promised, and because it's almost 1 AM and because I am too tired to write a whole blog post, here an excerpt from my National Novel Writing Month attempt. It's just the first paragraph, and I'm still hestitant to discuss my whole plot plan (plot plot?), because I'm working through it a little more, so you'll just have to take it as it is!

"Brennan counted the umbrellas around her in the chilly drizzle and came up with fourteen. She rolled that number around in her head, probed it, picked it up to look underneath it, and silently searched for its significance. Not that she believed in things like meaning or fate. At least not out loud. She had just turned fifteen, so perhaps there were fourteen umbrellas because the universe was reminding her that she was another year older, and that another year of life was gone away."



  1. Like it!
    Congrats on being 1/10 of the way there!

  2. I am so glad you're doing this!! What a fun, yet challenging thing!! Keep up the good work!

  3. i like it so far! love the umbrellas ;-)

  4. Man Bean, I thought for sure you'd make fun of me for naming my main character "Brennan."

  5. i almost did :-P but in the short story i've been writing i used the name "Sydney" from the show ALIAS haha. would be a hypocrite!

  6. I didn't know you were writing a short story! Can I read it when you're done? I'll let you read my book in exchange...

  7. haha yeah, i'll let you read it when i'm done...not sure when that will be!

  8. Sounds intriguing ... can't wait to read more :-)

  9. i love the beginning ryan!! :)

  10. I love it! I'm so excited to see more!

    On a different note, I found this website and it made me think of your novel-writing endeavors:


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