Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Bazillion Trillion Dollars

You may or may not be aware that there is a $500,000,000+ Powerball jackpot up for grabs.

Now, I haven't purchased any kind of lottery ticket since my 18th birthday, but I'm seriously considering getting a Powerball ticket today. Mainly just for fun.

$500 MILLION dollars is so much money that, to me, it might as well be Eleventy Bazillion Trillion dollars. I don't think I could spend that much money if I tried.

Here are a few things I could think of doing if I had that much money:

  • Buying Chris his dream sailboat.
  • Making sure all my parental units and Chris's parental units could retire comfortably.
  • Giving each of my siblings and Chris's siblings dollarz.
  • Opening a rabbit rescue- Ryan's Rabbit Rescue. Then I could save all the buns!
  • Starting my own kickass coffee shop/music venue.
  • Learning Italian... in Italy!
  • Building us a medium-sized dream home on the water somewhere.
  • Going on a year-long worldwide adventure/vacation.
  • Hiring a personal trainer.
  • Starting a fine wine collection.
What would you do with that much money? 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I Voted!

This morning, Chris and I got up at 6:00. Most days, we get up between 8 and 8:30. But today is not most days. Today, as I'm sure your TV, radio, social media, and other people's yards wouldn't let you forget, is election day. We were both very excited to vote, so we decided to get up super early, get in line, make our selections, push the magic button, and then go out to breakfast together to celebrate.

I hope you all got out there and cast your votes. Cuz if you didn't, I don't want to hear any complaints out of you. For the next four years. Seriously.

I've got my fingers and toes crossed for President Obama, and I'm sure you're not surprised by that. In fact, Mitt Romney scares the bajeezus out of me (and my uterus). So, I've had the election day jitters. I've been reading quotes by Susan B. Anthony to keep myself feeling inspired instead of terrified. But, I must say, there is a big part of me that simply can't wait for it all to be over. I received a total of 9 calls over the past two days that were election-related, and I feel a little bit like this girl.

We are currently sipping beer and eating chocolate and watching NBC's election coverage. Anyways, to help keep the mood light, I decided to make up some of my own Election Coverage Drinking Games (let it be known that we are actually not playing these tonight):

For those of you who would like to end the night in a pool of your own vomit:
  • Drink every time you hear the phrase "swing state."
  • Drink every time you see a white male.
  • Drink every time a state turns red or blue.
  • Drink every time you hear the word "battleground."
  • Drink every time you're frightened for your candidate's chances of winning.
  • Drink every time you hear the word "Florida."
For those of you who wish to avoid getting drunk:
  • Drink every time a female candidate is mentioned.
  • Drink every time a non-white candidate (other than President Obama!) is mentioned.
  • Drink every time an independent wins an electoral vote or votes, or a race for a position in Congress.
  • Drink every time you see a man wearing a tie that is not hideous.
I guess I'll see you on the other side!