Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Somebunny Loves Me

This holiday season, having my pet rabbit Coltrane around has been a true gift. My recent state of being unemployed has been stressful at times (mainly financially, of course), and it is becomming harder and harder not to feel rejected on a daily basis. However, little Coltrane has loved having me home, and has his little bunny ways of making me feel wanted and loved.

With me home, he gets full run of the bottom floor of the house, and, even though his pen is this (see below) big, his favorite thing in the world (perhaps even more than treats) is being free to run around.

And yes, those are bunny pictures on the wall!
One of the ways he shows me he loves me is that he runs in circles around my feet. When I get home from somewhere and let him out of the pen, the first thing he does is run a lap around the dining room table and then start running in circles around me. I took a video of him doing this, and, if I do say so myself, it's pretty cute!

He also loves playing a sort-of "chase me" game. He'll run full speed around the house while I try to keep up, and he'll show that he's having fun by doing a "binky." I think I've explained binkies before, but they're basically when a rabbit jumps and twists in mid-air, out of joy. Very little is more fun than watching a rabbit do this. And he just loves treats, lettuce, cilantro, and his timothy hay, and it's so very cute to watch him munch!

And, I must admit, it is so nice feeling needed. This amazing little creature relies on me to provide food, water, shelter, and affection, and it simply feels good to know that I can provide all of those things. People make fun of me for giving Coltrane so much space and for letting him have the run of the house, but, the way I see it is like this: I wouldn't want to be confined to my bedroom for eternity. It would start to feel like a prison. And rabbits are programmed to want to dig, run around, and chew. So, why would I deny that to Coltrane?

So, though unemployment is a little scary, I'm trying to view this time in-between jobs as an opportunity. I get to hang out with Coltrane a lot more, and, as a result, he gets more of the attention and affection he deserves. Though he loves to be naughty and do things like eat the Christmas tree and steal ornaments, he's also helping me get through this time without even knowing it.

Isn't it great when Somebunny loves you?


  1. Okay, so the Hasenpfeffer jokes are funny, and your mom/sisters comments about the Cilantro treats being seasoning are also gut-busting hilarious (well, maybe the first 200 times...)

    That said, he IS a cute critter, and the fact that he makes you smile as often as he does makes him far more valuable than his pelt and the lovely slippers it would make. Oops, sorry, outside voice...

    However, getting him a hamster to play with, well, that might be a sign of sickness. ;-)

  2. Bahahaha, but I haven't gotten him a hamster, so I'm not sick yet, yes?

  3. haha you guys are ridiculous :-P and i thought it was a guinea pig you were going to get him, yes?

  4. Your memory serves you well Bean-face. T'was indeed a guinea pig!


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