Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Quarter-Life Crisis

In 9 days, I turn 25. That's TWO-FIVE. That's "MID" twenties instead of "early" twenties. That's halfway to the big FIVE-OH. That's one year away from how old my mom was when she had me. That's six years past the age Bob Dylan was when he released his first album. That's the age pop-stars in the '60's were considered "washed up." It's almost been TEN (10!) years since I got my learner's permit. That means I can say I did something of note "a decade" ago. I'm going to be older than 3 times my shoe size. I'm older than "Twenty-four and there's so much more." I'm already getting grey hairs (and yanking their little asses out). My memory is starting to go. It's ALLLLLL DOOOOWNHIIIIIIIILL FROOOOM HEEEEEERE! ARGH!

This is me on or near my 20th...

You should probably send presents to make it all better...

PS- Check out my friend Doctor Derby here: http://doctorderby.blogspot.com/. She has dedicated herself to finding a cure for the dreaded Quarter Life Crisis.


  1. Hey Ryan. I'm 41. BAM! You know how long ago it feels since I turned 25? About 7 weeks ago, that's what. LOL

    Happy almost birthday, Punk. You Rock.


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