Monday, December 6, 2010

O, Christmas Tree

Chris and I put up our Christmas tree this past weekend. It's one of those artificial ones, and it leans to one side. We call it The Leaning Tower of Tree-sa.

The Leaning Tower of Tree-sa...
We tried three different Christmas CDs while we decorated, all of which we both hated (Bah! Humbug!). Music snobs who have both worked retail jobs (think smooth-jazz versions of the same 10 songs over and over and over again) have a hard time with Christmas tunes. I wanted to listen to A Charlie Brown Christmas, but our CD player doesn't play burned CDs, and that's the only version I have. Bah! Humbug! And, of course, Chris and I had a hard time being serious about decorating and the holidays:

Blue Balls...

Chris's Cluster
And you know, I always get a little sad around the holidays. Ok, maybe more than a little. But, I'm doing my best to stay positive, even despite the fact that I still don't have a job.

And now, I'd like to share some silly pictures I took of Coltrane around our tree. First, I tried to lure him over towards it with treats (he was scared), but now I'm paying for it; he keeps trying to eat the tree and dig in the tree skirt!

The pictures with this kind of light quality were taken with the "underwater" setting on my camera.  Some of them turned out crazy-cool:
What a cute bun eh? Here's a video of him digging in the Christmas tree skirt:

If that doesn't make you coo, I don't know what will! So, here are a few more pictures I took:

And now, I know I already have my Ryan's Recommendations section, but here are some things to get you thinking about your holiday shopping!

1 comment:

  1. ha! blue something i would do :-) coltrane is cute as always.


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