Sunday, October 24, 2010


The Destruction.

The Destructor.
 Chris and I got home from Deltaville a couple hours ago, and Coltrane had gotten out of his pen at some point when we were gone. I hate leaving him, but I also need to be able to go places. When I only go for two days, I just leave enough food to feed a bunny army. If I'm gone for more than a couple days, I hire a bun-sitter. Anyways, he proceded to chew through a bunch of our stuff, including Chris's XBox 360 power cable (Papa Bear ain't too happy), our 100-foot ethernet cable, and our TV's power cable. It's like he chose the week I quit my job to chew through the expensive stuff. Oy. And yes, I picked a picture of Coltrane with red-eye on purpose... he was quite the little demon-bun.

In truth, I feel completely responsible. I haven't been able to give him the kind of attention he needs and deserves lately. Plus, leaving him for the weekend is pretty crappy. Unfortunately, buns don't travel well. Anyways, thank goodness this night is over. I'm tired. Beddy-bye.


  1. Ugh! Of course it's this week. Bun-Intervention on the cord chewing though, Coltrane has a problem.


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