Friday, October 8, 2010

If I Ruled the World

If I ruled the world, the work day wouldn't start until 11:00 AM. Seriously though? Whose dumbass idea was it to start the work day so freakin' early? And why does EVERYONE adhere to this social construct? For no good reason. Harumph!

I just got back from a gig, and all my bandmates and friends are at "the band house" hanging out and having a good time. I, however, am home in bed, writing a blog post (no shit Sherlock!) to help me wind down from the excitement so I can go to sleep. My bandmates and friends all managed to get jobs that don't start until much later in the day than mine. I have a "real" job with "regular" hours, and therefore have to be at the office by 8:30 AM. As in soon. As if that isn't hard enough to deal with (that is, the part where I am the only person I know who has to get up early), every time I have to say "goodnight" when everyone is hanging out I am dealt a guilt-trip from hell. People seem to think me not wanting to stay up all night means I don't like spending time with them or something. Sheesh. Really, I just don't want to be miserable the next day is all. And staying up all night completely wrecks me.

I think I spent all of my alotted staying up late and all night time my freshman year of college. I seriously adhered to the "Sleep is for the Dead" philosophy. I was so excited about the people I met and music I was playing and all that. My friend (and later roommate) and I would pull all-nighters for fun, not for school, and make playlists, play guitar, talk, etc. It was awesome. I so wish I still had that capacity. Well, also, college life is conducive to such behavior; like the first semester of my freshman year my first class of the day on Tuesday/Thursday was at 2:00 PM. So, I regularly stayed up all night, crashed in the morning, and the got out of bed at 1:30. In the PM!

 But alas, I up and spent all my extra waking hours in that one year! Now I'm an 8-hour-a-night-or-holy-crap-she's-grumpy type. And it also makes me grumpy to miss all the fun that I'm sure is going on RIGHT NOW across town without me. Sigh. I feel like the kid on the playground who can't join the game because my mom won't let me or something.

And so, on that note, I'm going to bid you all a goodnight (well, technically morning) so I can get some much-needed Zzzzzzs. Goodnight! And think about that workday starting at 11 thing. I'm going to write a letter to my congressman to let him know what I expect from Capitol Hill this year: Mandatory workday start time of 11 AM or else.


  1. How odd that you would type this post today! (Well, at the end of yesterday, for you I suppose. ;)) I woke up feeling icky, and decided to stay in bed longer than usual to try to kick whatever had latched on to me. I got up at 8-ish, rolled around the house drinking a Sprite to try to settle my rumbly tummy, and then showered and ate breakfast in a leasurely manner, finally rolling into the office about 10:35 a.m.

    It was awesome! I wanna do that every day, dammit. ::pouts::

  2. Ok Faith, dying of jealousy here! I should have done that!

  3. Why just write a letter to Congress - I'll vote for you! :-)

  4. Hahaha, 11 AM workday, and 3 months vacation per year for everyone!


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