Monday, October 18, 2010

Cookie Monster

Today so thoroughly kicked my ass, that, after crying (ok, fine, shrieking and screaming) into the phone for as long as Chris could handle, I proceded to eat almost an entire bag of Milano cookies (the double chocolate kind, naturally). Now, the saddest part, I think, was that we didn't even have Milanos in the house; I walked into the night wearing my pajama pants, moccasins, and puffy face and drove to the grocery store expressly to purchase said self-medication. My face resembled that of a bee-sting victim's, so I left my glasses on (I only wear my glasses to drive) thinking it might mask my puff-i-tude. But, after I got back to the car with my over-the-counter sandwich-cookie meds, I glanced in the mirror only to find that the glasses sort of magnified the puffiness. Great day, really.

Anyways, I feel better getting that out. Now to face the judgement of several of my very in-shape, disciplined friends.

And now to pass out with exhaustion.

Actually, just a quick note: The Ryan's Recommendations section has been updated.

Goodnight folks. I'm out. I need this day to be over.

1 comment:

  1. People self medicate with lotsa stuff - Exercise, Beer, salty stuff, candy, etc, etc. Just sounds like yer drug of choice is tastier than most. It also sounds like you prolly worked off the diff in calories working it out / letting it out.

    Kinda hard to give a reassuring pat on the back to someone through a keyboard hundreds of miles away - specially when you only know them via witty words on a screen and by reputation only - but hey, it shouldn't keep us from trying right? Hang tough Ryan, and keep on venting till the cookie shelf is empty and your voice goes away. Better to scream than pop with frustration. ;-)

    {Seemed that yesterday was a hard day for a lot of folks - plenty of carnage on the usually followed blogs, in the email box, and in conversations. Sun spot's maybe?}


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