Friday, October 29, 2010

Winter is Coming

My brilliant, amazing, fun, and eccentric AP US History teacher (probably my favorite teacher of all-time) from junior year in high school had this clock on the wall of his classroom that made loon sounds every hour (no, not the crazy-people kind, the bird kind), and each time it went off, he would stop whatever he was doing and say "winter is coming," and then resume class like nothing happened. I have no clue why this occurred or what it meant, but I laughed every time. Sometimes I think I may have been the only one laughing. That happens to me a lot. Um... yeah.

"Winter is coming..."

Anyways, I'm not laughing now, cuz it's freakin' COLD OUTSIDE. And you know what that means: Winter is indeed coming. I had an interview today (!) that was three blocks from my current office, so I walked, in heels and a skirt and stockings (ew). I have been dragging my heels (the other kind) on wearing my big winter coat this year, so today was another day that I brought my light, fall jacket (which looks so good on me that I never want to take it off). And, of course, I froze on the walk over to the interview. I get very grumpy when I'm cold. I also have poor circulation and lose feeling in my fingers and toes very easily. My fingers routinely turn white and then purple and then almost blackish if I don't get the blood moving again, so you'll often find me walking around shaking my hands as hard as I can, and I look like I'm being very un-PC about someone with a disability or something. I remember being in New York City on my 16th birthday waiting outside (where it was about 20 degrees) in line for Les Miserables desperately trying to shake the blood back into my hands and having all these very well-dressed, posh city-dwellers give each other looks like "what is WRONG with that girl?" And the point of all that is to say that I HATE WINTER AND COLD AND BADNESS. I can't even enjoy fall because I know it's just going to turn into winter.

I want flipflops! And tank tops! And shorts! And sun! And the beach! I want the days to be light until MIDNIGHT! I want the heat AND the humidity! I want to skip winter and have Christmas in July (I'm happy to decorate a palm tree, sing island-themed Christmas carols, and sip an iced eggnog...)! And why does my boss have the damn AC on in the office? I'm FREEZING here, people!

I'm not even 25 and I'm ready to retire to Florida...


  1. i refuse to ever let you retire to florida :-P

  2. i however, will come and serve you hot toddies to keep your fingers Florida :)

  3. Bean, whatever, I'm dragging your ass down there with me.

    Dharma, hot toddies it is (why does "toddies" sound like it could be slang for boobs?)!

  4. toddies! i'm totally using that now! :-)

  5. I'm with you on the winter hate. That's why I'm planning to move back to my hometown next year. It doesn't have a winter.
    So Queensland, Australia is another option for you if Florida doesn't work out :)

  6. Another winter hater here! Give me warm and balmy all year round!

  7. I think I would have loved your history teacher.

  8. So it's decided: no more winter, "toddies" is new slang for "boobies," and my history teacher was awesome. I'm happy with our work here.


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