Sunday, January 2, 2011

You Say You Want a Resolution

Chris thinks resolutions are stupid, and I tend to agree. Mainly because people make all these unattainable promises to themselves, and, as a result, set themselves up for unavoidable failure. However, I have to admit, the New Year offers the perfect opportunity to make changes: It's right after the holidays (when everyone eats, drinks, and sits too much), the days are slowly getting longer, you get to start counting from 1 (yesterday was 1/1/11!), and you clearly see the past year for what is was and the coming year for what you hope it will be. So, here are my "resolutions," or the changes that I'm hoping to make this year:

1 (/1/11!): Somebody Get that Girl a JOB!
Yes, I desperately seek employment. Still. Hopefully the New Year will bring wonderful things like job offers and paychecks. And full benefits?

2: Exercise, exercise, exercise!
There's really no reason not to. Exercise is the number one way to keep clinical depression at bay without meds, and that's what I need to do for myself everyday. Plus, those skinny jeans won't fit otherwise...

3: Become a Better Photographer
I have some news regarding this, which will be the subject of my next post!

4: Silver and Gold, Silver and Gold...
I shall make many nice pieces of jewely. I'd love to have a few wearable things made for next Christmas!

5: In Her Own Write
Okay, I want to finish my NaNoWriMo book, write blog posts more regularly, and continue to do the freelance writing that I've been doing lately.

I think all those things are at least semi-reasonable and attainable (at least I hope so). I'm also hoping to win more Settlers of Catan and Cow Game games than I lose. What are your resolutions?


  1. Haha Chris thinks everything is stupid. Except for things like "Cow Game." Good resolutions, can't wait to hear about photography!

  2. Those are awesome resolutions! I too tend to think they're a silly idea, but something tells me you'll follow through :)

  3. I don't really make resolutions but I do set goals for myself. Unfortunately I have never reached any of them.


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