Saturday, January 8, 2011

Things That Annoy the Crap Out of Me

Yesterday was a very stressful day for a variety of reasons, so I really feel like bitching big-time. So, here are some things that have annoyed the crap out of me lately (lucky you):

1. Public restroom stalls without hanging hooks piss me off! Where the heck am I supposed to put my purse? I'm certainly not going to put it on the pee-floor. No way, no how. And in winter-time? Fuggedaboutit!!! Where am I supposed to put my jacket? And what about when I have a purse AND a coat (oh yeah, that's FIVE OR SIX MONTHS OF THE WHOLE FREAKIN' YEAR!)? Seriously, hooks: Get them.

2. Ok, snow is pretty and all (at least, for the first five minutes after it has fallen. Then it gets brown and gross and slushy and icky), but it's cold and it makes my life more difficult (and who needs help making their life more difficult? NO ONE.). I HATE SNOW. I hate clearing off my car, I hate shoveling, I hate the bottoms of my pants getting wet, and I hate feeling stuck in my house. I'm ready for June and July and the beach and shorts and sandals.

3. I can't stand when someone tells you they are going to do something, and then doesn't (and doesn't even let you know that they're not planning to). To me, this means that this flaky person doesn't think I'm worth their time, and that makes me mad.

4. Health insurance companies can just kiss my butt.

5. I can't stand screaming children. Get your kid away from me, or get me some duct tape.

6. I really, really hate when I hear a song on the radio with lyrics my rabbit could have spelled out in his litterbox with his own poop-pellets. Come on, people. Where are our standards? If I can write something better than what is on the radio, that, to me, means that I should be the one on the radio. Am I right?

7. I hate when people don't listen to me when I'm trying to communicate with them. Makes me feel very small.

8. I can't stand people who drive *just* under the speed limit. Unless I'm the one doing it, of course.

9. I really can't stand when people ask our band to play songs we don't know. Sorry, we don't know EVERY FRICKIN' SONG EVER FRICKIN' WRITTEN, mmmk? And, in the same vain, I hate when people assume that, just because I majored in English, I must know what every single word in the English language means, and I also must have read every book ever written or translated into English. Bah! NOPE.

10. And man, I hate when people BITCH all the time...


  1. me

    cheer up buttercup :) or I'll drive 49 miles per hour in front of you for a week!

  2. Yes. To all of it. Especially the stupid G6 song. I'm pretty sure I could write it and sing it and be a millionaire too and I can't sing at all. Hmmm, maybe I've found my new career......


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