Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I Was Hoping to Call This Post "Vertigone"

But... not so much. I'm still getting vertigo, mainly when I'm in the heat.

I went to the doctor this past Saturday and she took one look down my ear canal and told me I'm completely blocked up, most likely from post-nasal drip (mmmm, post-nasal drip). She thinks I've probably had an allergy or allergies my whole life and not known it. I'm taking allergy meds, Mucinex, using a Neti Pot, an allergy nose spray, and gargling salt water to try to flush out my entire ear/nose/throat system. I don't think my system has cleared out all the gunk in my ears yet though, because I'm still getting dizzy.

I think part of it is that I traveled to South Carolina and back for business recently and I've had trouble keeping a regular schedule when taking meds, etc. But, I definitely noticed that my ears wouldn't pop on the plane, no matter how much I tried.

The business trip I went on was cool, but I had to get up at 5 AM on Tuesday morning to catch a flight out of our local airport (have I mentioned how I hate to fly? I get sick and nervous... dramaine= my savior)... and the day ended up being very long. I was so tired, in fact, that, when I was showering before dinner, I grabbed the hotel-provided mini-toiletries and accidentally took the body lotion into the shower instead of the shampoo, and, of course, proceeded to dump lotion on my head. Go me.

Anyways, I'm back after an encouraging work trip (and I may start traveling a little more for my job in the near future), I survived two flights on teeny tiny propeller planes, and I've now been to another state (I've driven through SC but never actually stopped there).

Now if I can only clear out my ears.

1 comment:

  1. OK, sounds weirdo but it worked for me...have you considered ear-candling? Gross but effective. Sounds like your vertigo is not slowing you down.....which is good, just don't stand too close to any cliffs ;)


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