Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day 8 of Living Alone

Felt another aftershock last night at some point. It woke me up! This whole earthquake thing is pretty crazy. Throw in that crazy bitch Irene, and we got ourselves quite a weekend coming up.

- Got up, wrangled the bunny into his carrier. Drove the poor, little guy to the vet to have his eye checked out (AGAIN!). It's been weeks, and his eye is still dripping goop and tears. The vet flushed his tear duct (again) and took a culture from his eye (which is now on its way to a lab somewhere). I have now spent a grand total of $450 on my bunny's eye. Sweet.

- Got a latte, went to work, picked up the bun on lunch and dropped him off at home.

- Had a headache of an afternoon. Sometimes the grease biz is too much for me!

- Went to the grocery store. Got some supplies for when Irene comes.

- Did about half of a workout (I felt like my hamstrings were on the verge of cramping or pulling, so I stopped. Seemed like my body was trying to tell me something).

- So, to compensate for missing half of a workout, I cleaned. I cleaned the bunny's pen, I cleaned the kitchen, I cleaned our shower, and I did laundry.

- I then cooked dinner: Chicken breast and a giant salad of mixed greens, tomatoes, avocado, and goat cheese. And a beer. Yum.

- Talked to Chris on the phone. He may be coming home a day early because of Irene. Come on, Irene!

- Currently: chillaxin' because I feel like I deserve it.

Goodnight everyone! Have a wonderful Friday!

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