Friday, August 19, 2011

Day 2 of Living Alone

Day 2:

-Had all the covers on my side when I woke up. Got to turn the light on in the bedroom to get dressed (usually, Chris is still asleep when I get up so I get dressed in the dark. I have worn two different colored socks to work on more than one occasion as a result).

-Had a very busy day at work. Got soaked in the rain when I went to get lunch, so I spent the rest of the day freezing in the offie in my hoodie with the hood over my head. Talked to Chris on the phone around lunchtime. The afternoon flew because there was so much to get done, and I got out of the office a little late.

-Got off work, drove to get sushi. Salmon rolls= The Best Thing EVER.

-Ate sushi, strawberries, and fudgesicle(s) for dinner.

-Completed Lesson 1 for an online class that I just signed up for. It's called Project Management Fundamentals.

-Now: Watching Sex and the City and trying not to fall asleep before 10 PM (Oy, I'm tired).

Annnnnnnnd, though I am enjoying my time alone, I also really miss Chris. Why can't I have both at the same time?


  1. I've taken to picking out my clothes the night before and putting them in another room just to avoid dressing in the dark fiascos.


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