Monday, July 11, 2011


I have a few projects in mind to work through before the summer is over, so I thought I would share them with you all. That way, I can keep myself accountable to finishing them! Plus, you, dear readers, may have some ideas to help me get these done and/or to stay on task.

Cut My Wardrobe Down to Size:
Somehow, over time, I've amassed way too many clothes. So, I decided that I will attempt to cut my wardrobe in half and donate the clothes to our local SPCA Rummage Sale. This is partially because I don't have room to store my clothes, partially because my sense of style has changed a bit, and partially because I still have a bunch of clothes from when I was 30 lbs heavier than I am now. I may keep one pair of "fat" pants... just in case. Anyways, I want to have room for the clothes I will actually wear, and I want to be able to find them! Plus, summer ususally inspires me to buy a few new things, and right now I have zero room for them.
This is what happens when you have too many clothes!

Decorate the Walls in the Bedroom:
We have not put one thing on the walls of our bedroom. And our lease renews for another year soon, and I simply cannot stand the idea of having empty walls for another year. Chris doesn't want to have anything to do with it, so I think that gives me free reign (though, I wouldn't be mean and make the room too girly or anything!). My idea is to fill the walls with prints of maps (which will be interesting to both of us, and, I think, look pretty cool). I really like the way old maps look, so I'm just going to get some cheap prints somewhere online and then frame them with cheap frames (as you can tell, I'm on a budget and still financially traumatized from when I got two things custom-framed last year... never again).

Keep a Food Diary:
I asked my friend Caitlin over at Ola Fitness what to do about my problem with stress eating, and one of her suggestions was to start keeping a food diary. This is not just about listing what you eat, but also about how you feel when you eat things. I'm not trying to lose weight right now or anything, but I am trying to be healthier and exercise regularly. Stressful days are always tough, and weekends tend to be my downfall. I think it's because I'm an emotional eater/drinker. So, I think if I simply start writing things down, I'll feel more accountable to myself. Also, since I play in a band and hang out with musicians all the time, there tends to be a bit of a drinking culture that I'm always surrounded with. So, I've promised myself an alcohol-free week this week... which I think my food diary will help me with.

So, now I've gotten those down on paper (um, or screen?), and now I have to do them. Does anyone have any tips or comments for me? Like, is it totally stupid to get rid of my clothes that fit me when I was heavier? Or do you know of any good places for me to find cheap prints of old maps? Do you have any experience trying to keep a food diary?

Hope you all have a lovely week!


  1. Totally get rid of the "fat" clothes ... I mean, are you planning on getting "fat" again? Keeping the "fat" clothes just makes it easy to keep on eating and eating .... and ..... eating .... because you have "fat" clothes as a fall back instead of only clothes that are getting toooo tight and verrry uncomfortable thereby forcing you to STOP eating :-)

  2. Anonymous... thanks for the tip. I think you're probably absolutely right about that!

  3. Go to a couple local second hand stores....find old atlas books (coffee table size). Much cheeper sweets :) You can also find stacks of old picture frames, buy some black paint and make them all the same colour. It looks cool with different shapes etc....

    good list but you forgot drive to Canada and go swimming with a mermaid ;)

  4. When i was working on losing weight, i used this app on my phone called myfitnesspal. they also have a website, i dunno if the website as a journal component but the app was amazing. You could type in the brand of food and it brings up all the nutritional information. you can even use the camera on your cell to scan bar codes to enter it into your logs. There is a section for each meal of the day plus a part for cardio or strength training. You should check it out it really helped me stay on track


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