Saturday, July 23, 2011

Being Civil

Today, I went to a Civil War reenactment of The Batlle of Bull Run/Manassas. It was five zillion degrees, and I got a bit burnt, but it was really amazing to see the battle. Eight thousand people volunteered to take part as reenactors, and they all got really into it. There were real officers giving real commands to real regiments, and everyone's garb looked great. The coolest part was the end, because we got to see a cavalry skirmish. Horsies are nifty.

Because the reenactment took place in VA, there were a lot of Confederate-supporting types there, and I was afraid that people would be yelling obscenities at the Union side or something, but, everyone was civil (ha!).

Tomorrow morning I leave for vacation. At the beach. Hellz yeah. I am at the point where I don't care what the weather does, I don't care if I need to stay out of the sun a little more than years past, and I don't care if the waves aren't great. All I care about is relaxing. Sometimes I have to work really hard to be able to relax, but there's something about the beach that makes it a little easier on me.

I won't be writing too much, but I will surely post some pictures sometime during the week.

Have a great week all!

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