Friday, September 17, 2010

The Bun Who Lived!

No, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did not scar my rabbit with his killing curse. I had a scare with Coltrane that started last night when I got home after work and a meeting. He didn't want a treat (first sign of real trouble... Coltrane is usually quite the treat whore), he didn't want his greens, he didn't want his hay, he wasn't pooping, and he didn't want to move. These are all signs of GI Stasis, which is when a rabbit's digestive systems sort-of backs up. This is pretty dangerous, actually, and can quickly kill a rabbit if not taken care of. It is sometimes referred to as the "Silent Killer."

Send him some positive vibes! When he sits like this, my sister calls him The Blob Bunny!
So, Chris and I rushed Coltrane to the 24-hour emergency vet. They gave Coltrane an IV (does that just look like "4" to you? No? Just me? Okey dokey...) with some pain medication, some hydrating fluids, and something to try to get his gut moving again. They also sent me home with Critical Care, which is ground-up hay. You mix it with water and syringe feed it to the rabbit because it is pure fiber. Coltrane is not ok with being syringe-fed. He's a pretty stubborn little bun. Anyways, I was directed to give him the Critical Care every 4 hours until he started eating on his own. So I got to bed around 1 and then had to get up at 5 to squirt more hay mixture down his gullet. Also, still no poops at this point, which was quite worrisome. To rabbit owners, poop is like gold; it is priceless, and a tell-all in terms of health. I can't believe how much energy I've spent the past two days wishing for poop. Ok, so, after the 5:00 feeding (hoo boy, now I sound like a mom) it took me awhile to fall back asleep. Then the alarm went off at 7:50 as per usual. Got up, bunny still miserable, no poops, no food gone from the bowl.

SO, I called Coltrane's regular vet and took him in (of course, after I called work to tell them I had no clue when I was going to be able to get to the office). They kept the bun all day, and put him under to take an X-ray (this scared me. I don't like the idea of my little bunny boy being knocked out!), and did some of the same things the emergency vet had done. I picked Coltrane up after work and took him home. He seemed incredibly miserable still, and I was really worried. He finally started nibbling on some lettuce, then some hay, and then. there. were POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPS! Hallelujah! More like Poooopalujah!Poooooooopalujah! pooooooopalujah! pooopalujah! poopalujah! Mmmmmk, I'm gonna stop now. But, it means we're out of the woods, so-to-speak. And a sigh of relief is long overdue.

I was such a zombie at work all day too. I think I scared the interns.

In other news, I did end up chickening out at band practice the other day. No on-purpose bad singing. I'm such a chicken shit.

In other other news, Chris is not feeling well at all. He has this really bad cough. He coughed so hard he threw up. So, I have two boys to take care of.

There's no need to fear! Nurse Ryan is here!

In other other other news, I've figured out a way to make Ryan's Recommendations a permanent fixture so that my posts can just be posts. See the right side of the page---------------------------------------------->

Feedback welcome!

Ok, I need sleep pronto.


  1. Just a note: Chris's horrible cough turned out to be PNEUMONIA! Seriously, just like Oregon Trail or something. He's being treated though, so thank goodness he went to the doctor. Now, whether or not I have already contracted it is still to be seen.

  2. So glad your bun is doing better! We ended up losing a bun last fall. Not to GI Stasis but to ulcers :( Poor guy.

    Critical Care is amazing. I always had some at home and if there was even a hint of not pooping, drinking or eating, they'd get syringe fed Critical Care until they remembered that eating was better.

    (Awe man, now I really miss my buns!)

  3. Aw, you poor bunny mommy. I'm so sorry for your loss. I don't know what I would do if something happened to Coltrane.

  4. POOR BABY. when i was in kindergarten i had a friend who got a bunny and it had babies and then ate them.


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