Monday, September 20, 2010


Just as my bunny boy started to get healthy, my human boy started to get sicker and sicker. Chris has had a nasty cough for awhile now, which has sort-of come and gone. And he's been wheezing. He sounds like a set of pan pipes when he sleeps. I swear he wheezed the opening melody line to Ode to Joy the other night in his sleep (he is ever the optimist!). Anyways, things got much worse starting on Thursday/Friday, and on Saturday he finally decided to get himself to a doctor. I drove him there and ran a couple errands while he was at the Urgent Care place, then sat in the waiting room with my book. And boy, did I sit! The visit ended up taking over 2 hours! I saw people come and go who had gotten there before us, which worried me. When he came out and announced to me that he was diagnosed with Pneumonia, I was shocked. Seriously? I don't think I have ever met anyone who has had Pneumonia (until now, I suppose!). The first thing that came to my mind was the Oregon Trail game, because, to me, Pneumonia seems like one of those things only people back in the day got. Like a pre- modern medicine thing. You know, "You have died of Dysentery" and all that.  But, apparently, it's more common than I thought.

The type of Pneumonia Chris has is Walking Pneumonia, which is an infection of the lungs like regular Pneumonia, but it is from a bacteria and does not make the sufferer bedridden. They perscribed antibiotics and a couple other things, so hopefully he will be on the mend soon! He's one of those types who hasn't gotten sick too many times in his life, so he doesn't handle it all that well. And he doesn't like to let me take care of him, which is just too damn bad. (:

The other thing that sucks is that it is contagious, and I had been kissing on that boy until the diagnosis (let that be a lesson to all you young girls. Kissing boys is dangerous!). I had a really nasty sore throat yesterday and developed a stuffed-up nose last night, which continues into today. It's possible these things are unrelated, but at this point I'm convinced it is unlikely, mainly due to my paranoid stalking of sites that have any information regarding Walking Pneumonia in adults. Most of the things I've read say the symptoms start off like a cold or the flu, and it could take up to a week for the chest-cough part to kick-in. So, I think it's time to call my Doc and see what she has to say.

I want this stupid Pneumonia thing to walk its sorry ass out of our house!

Another bummer thing that happened this weekend is that my laptop screen blacked out. The computer still works, but you can't see anything on the screen! Not good. So, if posts are farther apart than usual, it is due to my lack of access to my compy. Frowny Face! Vet bills, broken laptops... I'm never going to be able to get myself a new camera! Double Frowny Face!

Anyhow, send some healing vibes our way if you are so inclined. We could use them!

Just a reminder that I've made the Ryan's Recommendations section a permanent fixture on this site, which is to your right (no, your other right!). ---------------------------------------------------------------------->

Another thing I wanted to say is that I'm sorry how spacey my last post was. I was running on too little sleep, let me tell ya!

Also check out my new "About," "FAQs," and "Links" tabs. Again, only if you are so inclined.


  1. hey.....get well soon vibes coming for Chris, the laptop, bunny....dood, you're in a downtime huh? better days ahead, promise :)

  2. Haha, thanks Dharma! When it rains... well, you know.

  3. Hey Ryan!
    Please tell Chris I hope he gets better, and I hope you don't get sick, too!

  4. Thanks Steady! Here's hoping. Though, I'm not feeling great at all. Fingers crossed that it's just allergies...

  5. are you getting better now? Pei Pa Koa ( ) is one of the few Chinese natural cough remedies that have been scientifically studied. it's something like herb plus honey, and it's sweet, thick and black in color. If you have a cough, look for it! It used to be one of my favourite natural cough remedies.

    if your cough persists, seek professional help such as traditional Chinese medicine physicians - I have had very good experiences with them.

  6. Gillion,

    Thanks for the tip! I'll do some research.

  7. ah, he had it comin'. but i do have a surprise to mail for him to make him feel better. i need yours guyses address! i'll send you/walking pnemooonia a message.


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