Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Muahaha, I bet you thought this post was going to be about oil spills. NOPE. TRICKED YA! You should have seen the look on your face. "BP" is what we often call band practice for short (and by "we," I mainly mean Chris and I). In case you didn't know, Chris and I are in a band together. We are the Guitar Players Two. Anyways, tonight, we can't even start BP until 9:00 PM, which is late. This essentially means I will not be able to try to go to sleep until midnight. A least I hope I'll be in bed by then, because, if I stay up any longer than that, I will turn into a pumpkin.

Band practice (BP!) can be fun, but it can also be frustrating and exhausting. Sometimes we get a lot done. Other times it seems like we do nothing. We practice in my friend/bandmate's basement (how very original of us). We usually practice three times a week, but lately it as been less, mainly because we've had so many shows. Today we'll probably focus on the set we'll play at a party next weekend. I'm really excited about this show in particular because it's in Deltaville. Our drummer's parents have a house there, so we'll get to stay the night and hang out on the Chesapeake Bay on Saturday-day and Sunday-day. I was thinking about making the boys breakfast on Sunday morning, but we'll see how nice I feel like being. Sorry, I digress.

I was thinking it would be funny if, today at practice, I sang everything completely out of key and pretended like I couldn't tell the difference. Or maybe I could play all the guitar chords incorrectly and pretend like I think I'm playing them correctly. What would the band do? Would they confront me? If I were to manage a straight face and be like "uh, what?" would they believe that I really thought I sounded good (now, the straight face thing is a big IF because I'm never capable of keeping a straight face in the line of humor. When something's funny, I laugh. I've been yelled at more than once for ruining a practical joke by laughing too early)? Whatever, straight faces are boring.

Anyhow, I shall report back on whether or not I had the guts to screw up on purpose. Perfectionists like me are bad at these things.

R's Rs:

Listening: The Once soundtrack. "Falling Slowly" came on the radio on my way home from work and I was so excited! Somehow it's better when you hear a song you love on the radio than when you put on the CD. It's somehow special; like the DJ knew you'd be listening.

Reading: Chesapeake. I'm hanging out on the Chesapeake this weekend!

Watching: Still on Season 2 of Bones. It really is a great show.

Working Out: Yoga! Yoga! Yoga! You know, like Toga! Toga! Toga! (Animal House, duh!)

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