Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Happy Anniversary to Me!

Today is my one-year anniversary at Greenlight Biofuels! I know that something like a work anniversary probably doesn't seem like a big deal to most people, but honestly, I'm pretty excited. A year ago, before I got hired, I was unemployed, scared, and slowly becoming broke. I never dreamed of finding such a cool job.

Here are some Sad-Unemployed-Broke-Girl posts:

A Day in the Life


You Say You Want a Resolution

Anyways, I have a couple people in my life who are seeking employment opportunities (and I know there are many more of you out there who are doing the same), so I'd like to say this: Hang in there, stick with it, and don't sell yourself short. You deserve a good job. Don't be afraid to ask people for help, work hard on your resume, cover letters, etc and do your homework before interviews. In fact, while I'm thinking about this, here's my Unemployed Survial Tips List:

1. Do something active EVERY single day. Seriously guys, it's important to keep those endorphins flowing so you can deal with daily rejection without going completely mental. Also, it will keep you showering regularly...

2. Change out of your pajamas. Even if it's just to put on your comfy jeans and a sweatshirt. Oh, and brush your hair, mmmmk?

3. Eat a good breakfast. It's not like you don't have time, am I right? Hell, I had pancakes and bacon and eggs like three times a week when I was unemployed. Plus, it will give your body and mind the energy they need for a long day of scouring craigslist.

4. Let people take care of you every once in a while. This is hard. It's easy to feel embarrassed that you can't afford to go out and have a drink with your friends. But, I say, if your besty offers to buy you a beer, let him or her (but don't take advantage). You need to get your ass outta the house every so often, seriously.

5. Keep busy. Do all the projects around the house that need done when you're taking breaks from staring at the classifieds and drooling. It will give you that sense of accomplishment you desperately need right now.

6. Every single article I've read about unemployment says to wake up at the same time of day that you would if you were going to work. I say this is bull patuckey. When else in your post-college adult life are you going to be able to go to bed at 3 AM and wake up at noon? It's great, I loved it, and I miss it. That's the schedule I slowly, but surely, revert to when I don't have a schedule to follow. Yeah, it makes it harder to get back on schedule when you do get a job (which you will!), but whatever.

So, there. Here's to feeling grateful and hopeful!

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