Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Candy Day!

Happy Day-Where-It's-Ok-to-Gorge-On-Candy to you! Well, that's all the holiday really means to me, anyways. I'm not in to that whole costume thing at all. But gimme a bag of candy, and I'm a happy camper.

In other news, the house continues to fall apart: The plumbing system (which we apparently share with the neighbors) backed up and our downstairs flooded. This was due, also, to the fact that our half-bath toilet runs (we always fix it when it does this, when we notice). This time, Chris was upstairs and I was not home, so the toilet kept running, and, because the plumbing system the duplexes share was backed up to begin with, the freakin' downstairs got gross.

So, this is what I came home to:

Think that's enough to scare the trick-or-treaters? I do. It's like our very own Halloween Nightmare. Boo!

In other news, I got my hair cut today, and I'm getting new glasses tomorrow. Fun stuff. I can't wait to be able to see!

So yeah, Chris and I are giving out candy and then we are most likely going to camp upstairs since the fan that our landlords gave us to dry up the wet carpet is SUPER FREAKIN LOUD. It's like we live on a jet or something. Oy.

Anyways, I was thinking of ways to be irresponsible on Halloween, and do you think I'd get in trouble if I went and bought some of those cute, tiny liquor bottles from the liquor store to give out to the kiddies? They're kiddie-sized... :)

Now, I shall grab another Twix, pour myself a brown ale (goes well with chocolate), and collapse until the next knock at the door.


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