Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Feeling Stupid

For locking myself out of the house on the rainiest morning we've had all fall (which is saying something), and when Chris wasn't back in town yet from a short sailing trip.

Go me.

Good thing I remembered my umbrella (though I would have rather remembered my EFFING keys!) and my phone.

And it's a good thing my boss lives a stone's throw from my house and was kind enough to pick me up.

The bottoms of my jeans will now probably be wet FOREVER, and I seriously tested the capacity of the waterproofing on my new boots. They passed the test: My feet are still dry.

And I made friends with a huge turtle with orange flecks on its shell that was mosying down the drive in the rain, so that's nice. I named him Sunshine.

Needless to say, this is how I'm feeling currently:

I can't wait for work to be over so I can go home and get a good workout in. I need an outlet for a wee bit of frustration.

UPDATE: Chris came to get me on my lunch so I could get my keys and take my car to work. He told me all about his stressful morning, proceeded to show me how he cut the dickens out of his finger on the rudder of the boat over the weekend, and then showed me some other cuts he got. He then told me that water is leaking through our attic, so now we have a water bucket on the floor under it. AND, when we got to the house for me to get my keys, the light bulb burnt out in the foyer. That was the last straw, and I've spent the rest of the day cursing the Woeful Wednesday Gods.

Oh, Woeful Wednesday, why aren't you over yet?

1 comment:

  1. Did you know the god of Wednesday is actually Odin? (Odin, Woden, Wodensday, Wednesday). Next time, don't forget the ritual sacrifice.

    (Glad the boots worked!)

    This is Beth, btw. Won't let me sign in for some reason.


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