Monday, June 20, 2011

Stress Dreams

When I'm stressed out (which is probably about 79.5% of the time), I often have stress dreams. I have the occasional random one (like, recently I had one where people were trying to kill me and my friends and I ran someone through with a sword), but a lot of the time I have one of a few recurring ones. I'm not sure if this happens to other people, but here are my recurring stress dreams (you know, for your amusement):

My Teeth Fall Out:
I have probably had about 50 of these dreams. They're always slightly different though. The people I'm with vary, my circumstances vary (I've had one where I was pregnant, in a hospital, AND my teeth were falling out), and the way I lose the teeth varies: Sometimes one of my teeth will be knocked out, other times they'll be loose and then slowly start to fall out, other times I can feel them rotting out of my head... and the sensation of dream-losing teeth may be the worst I've ever "experienced." I almost always wake up convinced that I'm sans teeth, ready to call a dentist; they seem that real. And well, that's pretty stressful.

I Can't Remember My Locker Combination
I'm in high school and back from some long break. I get to my locker, but slowly realize that I don't remember my combination. I turn the dial over and over, and maybe I remember two of the three numbers, but I can never get that last one. So, I'm turning and turning and turning and the bell rings, meaning I'm late. So, I go to the main office to ask the secretary for my combo, and she's really pissed at me or there's no one there who can help me, and sometimes my backpack is really really heavy. Yay for high school.

Chris is Mad at Me
Chris is really mad at me for some reason: I caught him smoking, I found out he likes another girl, or he's just tired of my bull shit. And we argue and he is just seethingly mad and says all sorts of mean things to me. These are really bad because I wake up feeling negative feelings towards him, even though he didn't do anything wrong!!!

The other awful thing I do when I'm stressed (which, again, is most of the time) is grind my teeth in my sleep. Chris says this is the most awful sound in the world. I have a mouth guard that I wear, which is incredibly dorky and makes it so I can hardly talk (and makes me look like a hockey player). So, when Chris and I are talking before we fall asleep, I wait to put it in, lest I get unmercifully made fun of. And, inevitably, there are times when I fall asleep before I can remember to put it in. And, when that happens, I wake up with a very sore jaw and/or a nasty headache the next day. When I do wear it, I slowly chew my way through it. Even though it will supposedly last forever. Obviously, modern dentistry has not taken into account my special brand of stress; I must be some kind of Super-Chewer.

But, so far, no matter what, I've woken up with all my teeth still in my head.  Knock on wood. Ow.

1 comment:

  1. Falling teeth dreams are pretty normal. I had countless dreams like that. Sometimes they seemed so real that, when I woke up, I checked my teeth to see if they're still complete. Maybe its the Tooth Fairy's way of telling to you to brush your teeth before going to bed, haha.


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