Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring Cleaning

Guys! It's officially Spring! Yippee!

I always feel motivated to work on myself when the weather starts to cooperate with me... I'm not sure why exactly. I think it might have something to do with the fact that I feel better pretty much all-around when the weather is nice. I'm not weighed down by big, puffy coats, I get a little sunlight, my hands don't freeze, the days are longer, I feel less tired, I can roll the windows down in my car, and everything is just a little better than it was.

SO, it's that time again. Time to clean out the cobwebs!

I'm planning on getting back into a regular exercise routine; I've been exercising some, but pretty sporadically. I'm aiming for four days per week: I joined a soccer team and will be playing games on Sundays, so that takes care of one day. That means I need to exercise on three of the five weekdays (since I'm hoping to have Saturday off). I think that's doable!

I started taking a multivitamin again. I tried taking them for awhile, but everytime I took one, I would get incredibly nauseus. I even threw up once because of vitamins. Apparently, some people's systems can't handle too much iron all at once, so I found a vitamin that has less iron, and so far so good. I'm hoping this will help me feel a little more energetic.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I am really energized about my job right now, and I want to keep that momentum going for as long as possible. I want to be a better employee, I want to come up with useful ideas, and I want to grow. This part of my life is helping me feel much more confident, and I'd like to feel confident for at least a little bit everyday.

I haven't written a song in a really long time, so my goal is to have one written in the next few weeks or so. It'd be great to write a song a month, really.

I want to spend a little more time with Coltrane, who is still adjusting to having a working mommy.

I want to take more pictures, work on jewelry, organize my CDs and books, read more, research places I want to travel, and, especially, get outside and enjoy the beautiful SPRING!

What are your happy warm-weather plans?

Happy Spring!


  1. Ah, that dreaded thing known as exercise. I've been debating if I want to go tomorrow AM. Bla.


  2. Creativechaos, I'm very-much an after-work exerciser. No mornings for me!

  3. I LOVE SPRING CLEANING. Ry, if you never get to organizing your books/CDs by the time I come visit again, I would love to help you because I am obsessed with organizing. Or maybe I'm just prescribed a high dose of Adderall? Hmm, either way, I love to organize!
    Did you take those pictures of the flower???
    I want to read more and research places to travel too. I've been feeling really left behind lately because you and Chris went to Italy last year, Katie went to Rwanda last year, and I stay in NJ all the time :( But I gotta make some moves to change that.
    And I haven't exercised in ages, I should try that too. I hope yoga goes well today!

  4. Las, you better not offer to organize my stuff or you'll have me take you up on that!

    I did take those pics with my awesome camera!

    The problem with travel is that it takes money. You could do what your brother and I do and save a little every month... our account is for a sailboat, but you could have a travel account. Even $50 a month adds up quickly.

    Thanks, though I may end up being the awkward person in my yoga class!


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