Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Things I Would Have Done by Now if There Were More Hours in a Day

-Learn to Make Jewelry: I spent a Visa gift card I got for Christmas on some jewelry-making supplies (including a torch for soldering. Fire=fun; tell your kids). I set up this little “workshop” in my foyer but only got to work on things a few times. I’d like to think that, if there were more hours in a day, I’d be quite the jeweler by now.

-Write a Book: I love to write. I write poetry, articles, articles for Americana Rhythm magazine, (and, now, this super-cool bloggy blog! Ok I don’t know why I said “bloggy blog.” But it’s a-gonna stay there). However, all these things are relatively short and can be knocked out within an afternoon or evening. If there were more hours in a day, I’d like to think that I could write a big ole book. I’m talking a giant-Russian-novel type book.

-Learn Italian: I recently became a duel citizen of the US and Italy…. aaaaaaaaaaaaaand, I don’t speak a word of Italian. Well, maybe a word (Grazie!). Shameful, I know. There literally aren’t enough hours in a day for me to take an Italian class or even teach myself! Mama mia! Spaghetti! Vino (Please imagine wildy huge hand gestures here)!

-Become a Better Cook: Wanna know what’s on the TV in the background as I type this? The Food Network (It’s funny, I don’t pay for cable, and, when I got my new TV, all of a sudden I get all these awesome channels!). Why is the Food Network on? Because I love watching talented people cook (ok, fine, and I love to eat). I’m alright at cooking. But, I tend to make the same things over and over. I would love to learn more about what flavors compliment each other. No time!

Listening: I and Love and You by The Avett Brothers: This is one of the best new albums I’ve listened to in years. It’s deep, emotional, achingly truthful, and just plain sounds good. I highly recommend it.

Reading: I’m still reading Watership Down, but I also regularly read, which is Heather Armstrong’s blog. She makes her living writing it (!). She also describes herself as a “recovered Mormon” and went through a tough time with postpartum depression when she had her first daughter. And she’s just hilarious. Check it out if that sounds interesting to you!

Working Out: Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism by Jillian Michaels (ok, so yeah, I love her). This DVD is hard core. There are 7 circuits making the workout a total of 45 minutes or so. I still can’t do all 45 minutes! She incorporates kickboxing, calisthenics, core strength, and jump training all in one workout. It is super intense, and you’ll feel it the next day.


  1. I would:

    (re)learn Spanish
    learn yoga (and become certified to teach it)
    learn how to be a master cook (so my fiance doesn't kick me outta the house...jk)
    & design my own jewelry (i ALWAYS wanted to do that)

    :) keep bloggin'! i love it!

  2. I would definitely learn Italian! But those things you would do -- start when you're young because as you get older you just realize you have less and less time :-( and you have to prioritize even more than when you're younger.


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