Thursday, July 22, 2010

Compulsive Obsession

I get obsessed with things very easily. I can’t help it (well, maybe I can, but even so, I don’t really wanna). It’s almost like I enter into a relationship with the object of my obsession. Some are fleeting and last for only a few weeks, others are “serious relationships” and last years. When I say I get obsessed with “things,” by “things” I mean artists, albums, songs, movies, books, ideas, and other such objects. I’ve had a fling with Bob Dylan, a quickie with his song “Boots of Spanish Leather” and a lovers’ spat with Highway 61 Revisited.

 My very first meaningful long-term relationship was with The Beatles (Yup. All four of ‘em! Muahahahaha!). Let me explain how this “obsession” thing works. In this case, I grew up listening to The Beatles and always had a place in my heart for them. But, early in high school (after making it through my Spice Girls/Destiny’s Child phase- come on, admit it: You had one of those Dark Ages too), I heard the Beatles 1 CD they came out with. All of a sudden, I was hearing these songs differently. To me, nothing else even came close to comparing to them. Enter: obsession. I consumed any and every thing I could find even remotely related to The Beatles. I read books, interviews, and liner notes. I listened to every track they ever recorded hundreds of times, and I memorized every word. I learned which Beatle wrote and sang which songs. I memorized every useless piece of trivia related to the band that I could find. I picked my dad’s brain. I probably watched the movie A Hard Day’s Night 50 times. I even decided to learn to play guitar because I was so into them. I got a Beatles chord book and used it to teach myself to play. I was convinced that I should have been born earlier so I could have seen The Beatles live.

After probably three years of complete and total obsession (during the later part of which I started branching out a very little bit- Bob Dylan, etc) I went to college and started being exposed to all sorts of music. And somehow, in the background of my life, my Beatles relationship faded into a loving friendship full of understanding and private jokes.

Other obsessions I have experienced (most of these are music-related):

-Joni Mitchell has been my other big long-term relationship-type obsession. She is a goddess.

-Patty Griffin’s A Kiss in Time (I am currently experiencing a renaissance of obsession with this album. My re-obsessions occur frequently too!)

-The Last Waltz by The Band (I still maintain that I would give up years of my life to have been at this concert)

-The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley (The only book I’ve read more than twice)

-The Once soundtrack

-Aretha Franklin in general

-Harry Potter series

Man, I’m a big slut.

What are your obsessions?

I'm gonna go ahead and say that RYAN'S RECOMMENDATIONS on this post are the things above that I have been/am obsessed with!


  1. Hey, I really enjoyed this post! I, too, am easily infatuated, but here are the truest obsessions of my life:
    *dinosaurs (I cried when I found out they were extinct; they were all I talked about).
    *Batman (When asked in 5th grade what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would've answered, "Vigilante." Little did I know that made me sound like part of a lynch mob).
    *TE Lawrence (Would sacrifice years of life, like you, for a time machine).

    Btw, Ryan, I think Lennon cheated on you during my freshman year at W&M, when I had "I am the Walrus" on repeat for about a week. We were very intense but burned out quickly.

  2. Hahaha, no way Beth, he would never have cheated on me!!!!!

  3. WHen I was was Backstreet Boys, Dark Angel, and The OC (ok, like High school younger haha).

    Now...personal training (literally, I never thought I would be "obsessed" with my job, but wow, I am), the beach (my entire downstairs bathroom is beach themed and is oozing out to our living room, Chris thinks I'm going overboard hahaha), and Lord of the Rings

  4. Anndddd...just have to say, you've inspired me to create another blog about just my daily musings... :)

  5. Caitlin, I so remember your LOTR obsessions, etc! Very cool about starting a new blog. I shall follow immediately.


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