Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Beach Pictures

Update: I still have Vertigo. For the past five days, it has felt like my entire life has been uprooted and moved onto a cruise ship. One that's cruising across the North Atlantic. Except there's no Ledo Deck and no little drinks with umbrellas.

Anyways, I have a Dr's appointment Saturday morning, so hopefully it will be something that is easily treated. Of course, if you google "vertigo," the results are almost all related to brain tumors. Sweet.

So, anyways, as promised, here are the pictures I took while on my vacation. Sigh. Vacation.

Currituck Lighthouse

Someone else's family photo

The long, narrow walkway that started the Vertigo issue
Very tall grassy-type plants
My dragon fly friend
The lighthouse, from the sound

Canadian Geese

The Captain reads the sign
Pretty again!

Ridiculous squinty picture of me

My monarch friend

Support your local hookers

Signs, signs, everywhere are signs
Sunset through a foggy lens


  1. Pretty pics! :-) I'm not in any though, thanks! Sorry about the vertigo :-( never google symptoms, I learned that a long time ago :-) feel better!


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