Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Day 6 of Living Alone

- Slept for as long as humanly possible (hit snooze like 5 times this morning) before getting up. Got dressed (in the light again!), fed the bunny, grabbed a Nanner (that's a banana), hit the road for work.

- Heard the Adele song "Someone Like You" on the radio and burst into tears because I miss Chris so much. I talked to him for awhile yesterday (our anniversary) and had gone through old pictures of us (see Day 5), and was feeling like, well, that I missed him!

- Got to work. Chris had written me a romantic email, which started my day off wonderfully. Then, I busted my ass all morning. I got to go to lunch with some work people, which was great.

- Then, a f***ing Earthquake rocked the East Coast; the epicenter was not an hour from where I live. The whole building started shaking (at first, the rumbling made me think something in the HVAC system was failing or that a train was passing nearby or something), but then it got stronger and my computer monitor started doing a bobble-head type thing. I just sort of sat there, and saw that co-workers were sprinting for the stairs. I was sort of frozen at first, but then I got up and followed them down to the sidewalk. And then it was over.

- Worked hard some more.

- I was going to go get my car inspected, but I was so worried about my little bunny Coltrane at home (alone during the earthquake) that I decided to go home instead. I found my little bun safe, not squished by a falling picture frame like I had worried about. Whew!

- I worked out, showered, and ate dinner (scrambled eggs, and apple, and hummus with pita chips).

- I was supposed to go to girls' night, but no one but me could go. So, I stayed home and watched Ally McBeal (yes, new obsession) and hung out with Coltrane.

- Wrote a little bit.


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