Monday, August 15, 2011

No Boys Allowed

 Whelp, this weekend was full of laziness. We got the sailboat all ready to go and drove an hour and a half to try to finally conduct our maiden voyage, however, when we got to our destination, it started storming violently. 20-ft Mast + Lightning = Fried RyanandChris. So, we turned around and went home. And that was all the work I did for the whole weekend (though it was hard work; we pumped up the trailer's tires by hand, secured the boat to the trailer, oh, and pushed the damn thing up the hill in our yard and over the curb and into the street). Chris and I watched a lot of Mythbusters, made yummy pasta, read our Michener books (ain't we cute?), and went on a beer-tasting expedition.

Late this week, Chris is leaving town to go to Long Island for over a week. Which leaves me in an empty house (except for the bun!). I am going to miss Chris a lot, but, there's also part of me that is excited to have a little time in the house alone. That would be the girly part of me. I believe I posted before about Secret Single Behavior, but what I'm really looking forward to is getting to do whatever I want whenever I want. Sometimes I think men do this regardless of whether or not they live with someone else, but I certainly do not. 

With Chris gone, I can go shopping and take as long as I damn well please to browse, even if I'm not even planning on buying anything. And I can do this and not even feel a little bit guilty. I can eat sushi and drink red wine and watch a movie where things don't blow up and there's a happy ending. And NOT EVEN FEEL GUILTY. I can eat dinner early if I feel like it. Or I can eat dinner at 10:00 PM. AND. NOT. EVEN. FEEL. GUILTY. I can eat three popsicles in a row and no one will ever know, so I WON'T FEEL GUILTY. I can have girlfriends over for the eveing and take over the entire house and not feel guilty about having to kick Chris out (No Boys Allowed! Kind of like the Get Rid of Slimy GirlS club in Calvin and Hobbes (G.R.O.S.S.)).

Well, I'm sure that's how I'll feel for a day or two. But after that, I know I'll feel lonely...

Calvin and Hobbes
Calvin and Hobbes
Calvin and Hobbes
Calvin and Hobbes
Calvin and Hobbes
Calvin and Hobbes

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