Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Shades of Grey

I'm feeling pretty lost right now, and I know that's vague, but I kind of just wanted to write it down somewhere. And I don't know how to fix it.

I wrote the above yesterday and never published it.

Since then, I have gone to another Tuesday-night girls' night, and I laughed harder than I think I've laughed in a really long time. I cried at least four times from laughing so hard. A couple other girls who I haven't seen in a long time came to hang out, and I just had so much fun with everyone. And that's the kind of thing I really enjoy: Drinking a really good glass of red wine while telling stories and laughing and making fun of how extremely clueless boys are. Sigh.

One of my friends said something like "boys are so complicated." And I was like, "no, we're complicated. Boys are just idiots." And that's my thought for the week. Ladies, there's nothing you can do make yourself less complicated; it's just the way we are. And, even though it's easy to do (read: "...boys are just idiots"), it's not all that fair to blame boys for not getting us. They're simple. Things tend to be pretty black-and-white with them, and they have an On-Off switch. We girls, we're a million shades of grey all at the same time, and we have a dial with no labels that constantly needs tuned.

Thanks for yesterday, ladies.


  1. Both men and women vary in complexity and sophistication.

  2. Anon, yes, you're right. Honestly, the above post is me blowing out a little hot air after a really crappy weekend and beginning of the week. Reading it back, I do sound like I'm trying to say that men are simpletons. However, I'm not trying to say that men are stupid (the "idiots" comment was amongst a group of girls and was more of a joke than anything). I'm simply trying to say that they function competely differently than women, and that it's not a problem that can be solved.


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