Sunday, May 22, 2011

Gulf Ball

I haven't written in quite a bit, and that's because I was on vacation in Florida this past week. I didn't do the whole internet thing at all, which I highly recommend you do for yourself every once-in-awhile. People were not made to stare at screens all damn day! Although, I came home to about a gazillion emails in my inbox. Blech. Anyways, a good friend of mine and Chris's let us come down with him and several other people and hang out in his family's beach house on the Gulf Coast for a few days. It was pretty frickin' sweet. Chris and I went on a really nice paddle on the bay side of the cape, grabbed a couple seafood dinners (oysters!), climbed the local lighthouse, and went exploring down the coast. All that was on top of much hanging out on the beach, playing games, reading books, and imbibing alcoholic beverages. Vacation is always way too short.

Here are some shots from the trip:

Chris Exploring

Tree Root Tentacle...

Crazy Beach Hair

Palm Tree Corpse

The Van and the 'Yaks

The House We Stayed In: Do Me Good

Now, back to work and the real world...


  1. Looks amazing. That beach of gnarled dead trees reminds me of Jekyll Island, GA. Sounds like the two of you had a blast....that does a body/mind good.

  2. Thanks Dharma! I hope you have some vacation time this year!


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