Thursday, May 5, 2011

Ah, the English Language!

One of the topics of conversation that came up on girls' night this past Tuesday was the stuffed animals we used to have, and what we named them. Now, I was the least creative stuffed animal-namer on the planet, and I may have accidentally influenced by little sister to be the same in that regard. Either that or we were both independently awful namers.

We had lots of stuffed teddy bears, and each one was named according to the color it was: Bluey, Whitey, Pinky, Browny, etc. Yes, that's right: We couldn't think of anything better.

This one time I was given a stuffed dog that was sort-of ginger-colored that had its tongue sticking out. So, at the time, I decided that I would be a little more creative than ususal and name this dog "Licker." I remember informing my mom that this new doggy toy was going to be "Licker," and she was like, "um, no honey, you can't name your dog that." Which I thought was crazy. But, that's because I had no clue that it would be bad for a little kid to have a stuffed animal named "Liquor." I mean, when I was four, I was much more of a beer-drinker anyways.

So, after arguing with my mom and finally accepting the mandate to change my doggy's name from "Licker," I comfortably decided on "Ginger."


  1. "Licker".....interpreted as Liquor? Soooooo not where my dirty mind went first! LOL

  2. well at least you didn't name every pet goldfish "Wad" like i did! :-P ooh and remember the bean bag frogs? Little Green, Little Yellow, Little Blue...hahahhaa

  3. Haha, Dharma, you would think that.

    Bean, I forgot about the little froggies! Haha, yeah, we were maybe a little lame...

  4. Whatever happened to Wad?


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