Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Co-ed Sports

I started this blog by writing some things about gender, my name, and how the environment you grow up in greatly influences who you become as an adult. I also wrote about how I have a bit of a complex when it comes to losing to boys.

That said, I joined a co-ed soccer team this spring, and some of those gender-type issues have surfaced for me as a result. I played on all-girls' teams from ages 10-18. So, I've found that there are some things I like about playing co-ed sports, and some things I can't stand. And, somehow, the cons have greatly out-weighed the pros for me.

Co-ed Pros:
1. The idea of equality! Someone, somewhere, decided that girls and guys are on the same level. I want to kiss that person.
2. Boys= yummy.
3. I've always had an easier time making friends with guys, and generally feel more comfortable around them. I couldn't tell you why.
4. Beating boys= amazing feeling!
5. Some teams seem to be able to have an amazing harmony and team-chemistry between male and female players. It's great to see.

Co-ed Cons:
1. Boys, on occasion, seem to not want to pass to girls. I'm not sure if this is something that is a concious choice or a subconcsious thing, but either way it sucks. Sucks sucks sucks. I especially hate it because I'm at least a semi-decent soccer player; it's not like I don't even know the rules or something. So these boys will dribble and dribble and show off and end up losing the ball. If they had done the simple thing and passed it to any of the open players (ME!) the ball would have remained in posession. I AM NOT IMPRESSED THAT YOU LOST THE BALL. PERIOD. ARGH! Seriously guys- girls don't sleep with ball-losing losers. Hopefully that solves that.
2. Guys and girls plays sports differently, I assume because different types of bodies are built for different things.  Because I played on girls' teams for so long, I know how to play the game the way females tend to: Lots of passing, give-and-go's, using your butt, etc. Throwing guys (who tend to play a running game featuring long kicks) and girls together makes it difficult to figure out what kind of strategy to use!
3. It's always some guy who appoints himself team-leader and starts ordering people around. Ryan no likey!
4. I have always had trouble making girl-friends, and, growing up, it was always my soccer team that provided me with the opportunity to find at least a few wonderful girls I enjoyed hanging out with. I think my life is a lot less rich for the lack of a Soccer Girls posse.
5. Some girls seem to be a little self-concious around boys, and, even though I'd like to say that I'm not, there's a chance that I am a little, at least on some level.
6. When boys beat me, I want to murder them.
7. There's a rule that you have to have at least 3 girls on the field. The reason such a rule exists is that there are always more boys than girls who sign up to play co-ed. This bothers me! We're always outnumbered!
8. I have yet to have a female referee. There seems to be a very real boys-are-in-charge feeling in the league.
9. Whether I like it or not, boys are often bigger, and they have hurt me quite a bit this season. I got elbowed in the face this past weekend, got taken out to the tune of a bloody skinned knee last weekend, and I am pretty much covered in nasty bruises. At least I get bragging rights.

So, perhaps this means I should play in the womens' league next season. I dunno. What I do know is how much I've been thinking about my old travel team from high school. I miss it. I miss the people, the chemistry, my old friends, the coaches, everything. Mainly I miss how sure of myself I was back then. No matter what bullshit (and man, was there some bullshit) was going on in other parts of my life, I always had confidence that I was a good soccer player, that I had people around me who liked and respected me, that I looked good, and that I was going places.

And here I am.


  1. Man this brought back memories of our old travel team...I miss that so much! The friendships were the best part :) and I couldn't agree more about co-ed...I actually won't play it anymore because of previous experiences (concussions, no one passing, lack of respect, etc). I hope you're doing well! Can't wait til you come for another visit (and I hope I'm around haha)!

  2. Caitlin, I know, I was thinking of you while I wrote this. I was actually wondering what other girls think of playing co-ed, and I guess I'm not surprised you agree with me. I will most certainly let you know next time I'm up that way, and please do the same if you're ever inspired to visit Charlottesville!

  3. My frisbee team is a bit like this too. However, its a bit different in that I'm actually not very good, so I don't mind that guys don't pass to me much. I just like running around, intercepting and passing the disc off to avoid embarrassing myself. I looove blocking and playing defense, too. However, if I knew more about what I was doing, I'd be hella annoyed. I agree on all counts.

  4. Em, yeah, that makes total sense. I think if this was another sport, I might not be as irritated. I mean, I'd still be a little irritated, but not too much. Whatever, you can probably kick all their asses (Flying SideKicks!).

  5. Yeah, when i was the only girl on one of my bball teams no one would guard me until they figured out i could actually hit outside shots :-) then any time i got fouled the guys on my team would stand up for me, quite hilarious.

  6. AH Ryan BOYS ugh. They are my favorite, but they are stupid. I've always had a problem losing to boys too, and during my great College Years, that problem became a bigger problem when it turned up in drinking contests. "I must drink more vodka than this boy who is double my weight!!!!" So even when I won these drinking contests, I was really a loser. Haha, oh classy las.
    It's so great that you are playing sports!

  7. LAS, boys are indeed stupid a good amount of the time. So, your comment made me think of the woman in the first Indiana Jones the beginning she wins a ton of money drinking a huge dude under the table (vodka, I believe). But that's just the movies, so there was no pukage or even a headache. I'm actually pretty sure she was just drinking water...

    Classy Las, I miss you! Stick to that Mountain Dew, mmmk?

  8. Not sure if you still update this blog or not. Anyhow I'm currently in a co-ed team and after speaking to our captain (female) last night - she made myself and another guy aware that "guys don't pass to girls in co-ed soccer" I googled it and that's how I got to your blog. Anyhow, your blog was an interesting read and definitely something to keep in mind going forward. Thanks for the enlightenment.


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