Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Names That Flout Convention: Ryan the Girl Style

Hey guys! What's up?

So, the other day, CNN ran a short little story about people with unusual names. I believe the idea came when Jessica Simpson announced that her newborn daughter was named Maxwell Drew. Then, they asked people to write in about their own experiences. So, being passionate about this subject (obviously! I frickin' named my blog based on that passion!), I decided to write in with my little story. The next day, I got an email from a writer for CNN.com asking me if I would be willing to do a short phone interview. I said, "sure thing!"

So, the article the woman wrote came out today. Here's the link if you're interested in reading it: http://www.cnn.com/2012/05/08/living/ireport-names-identity/index.html. My small part is at the very bottom.

It certainly made me realize that I'm not as eloquent as I think I am! :P Phone interviews don't are certainly not my favorite. Anyways, I thought the article was cool. It was nice to hear about other people's Ryan the Girl Moments (Or Michael the Girl Moments, or Kim the Guy Moments, as the case may be).

I am also obviously not the only person who has been teased because her name doesn't adhere to some preconceived notions of gender in society. And, if you read the dreaded Comments section under the article, you will see that there are a lot of intolerant jerks out there (why do they care what other people name their kids???).

In other news regarding tolerance, I will never be moving to North Carolina, thank yew very much.

In other other news, I'm going to check out a possible wedding venue this weekend! :)

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