Friday, November 18, 2011

Giving Thanks

I went out with a friend of mine for a beer the other night, and she told me all about the boy she has a crush on. She's at that point where everything is new and exciting and unknown and possibly a bit confusing, and where her heart rate is probably faster than usual whenever the object of her affection is near.

Oh, how I love hearing the juicy details of these kinds of experiences! You know, the "well, then what did he say?" and "has he kissed you?" and "what's he look like?" stuff. Maybe it's because I have a serious lack of girl-time in my life, and my friend's stories make me feel super-girly and giggly. Or maybe it's because Chris and I have been together for over 6 years, and I find it fun to hear about the beginning part of a crush or a relationship, which I don't plan on experiencing again.

Either way, I very much enjoy listening to my friend talk about what her crush said and what does that mean and all that (and I'm just happy that she's happy!). And she often asks what I think about this or about that, perhaps because she wants an outside opinion, but also perhaps because I've been in a successful relationship for a while. Though I always assure her that success comes from a hell of a lot of work. 

And whenever I tell her what I think about something relationship-related, I find myself recounting my own experiences with Chris as examples (because that's all I really know). And when I do that, even when I'm talking about something that was or has been particularly difficult, I always leave the conversation feeling extraordinarily grateful for the fact that I have Chris in my life.

We have been through a lot together. Really, we have grown up together. We met when we were 18; whipper snappers we were! He is my best friend, and I don't envy what or who the people around me have compared to what and who I have.

Spring break of freshman year of college, 2005. See? Whipper snappers!
So, in the spirit of the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, I'd like to say that I'm thankful for Chris. I'm thankful for who he is, and I'm thankful for who I am because of him. I'm thankful for the things I've learned from him, and I'm thankful for the things we've learned together. I'm thankful that I get to see him and talk to him everyday. I'm thankful to have such a wonderful partner in crime.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! What are you thankful for?

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