Today on, "The Dooce" (Heather Armstrong) was discussing nicknames and where "Dooce" came from because it is almost the 10-year anniversary of the website. She asked for comments on what people's nicknames are. That got me thinking about the nicknames I've had in the past, and the nicknames I have now. So, here are all the ones I can think of:
-"Ryannie": My parents called me this for awhile as a kid. My mom says it with a West Virginia accent. My dad actually sometimes still calls me this.
-"RyanBee": In elementary school, there were two Ryan's in my grade. So, we each got the distinction of being distinguished by our last name initials. SO, for years, everyone called me "Ryan B." But the way people said it made it sound like it was all one word: "Ryanbee." I don't know why they didn't just call me "Girl Ryan" or "Ryan Sans Penis" or something... (the other Ryan was a boy...)
-"RJ": I remember trying to make people call me this (my middle initial is J) in elementary school, but it never stuck. I thought it sounded cool...
-"Rye Bread": I frickin' hate this one. This girl started calling me this in 3rd grade, and I HATED it... Especially cuz I hate Rye Bread.
-"Sneezy Head": I have kinda fluffy hair. In middle and high school, when I wasn't using conditioner (yes, I already know I failed Girl 101), my hair was QUITE fluffy. So, when people would hug me, they usually got a face-full of fluff. My mom dubbed me "Sneezy-Head" as a result.
-"Booger": Another one from my mom. Just 'cause. My sister's counterpart nickname is "Rotten." I think hers is nicer than mine...
-"Babas": When I got to college, life started anew. All students were assigned email addresses as freshman based on their first initial, middle initial, and first four letters of their last name, so mine was (This is inactive, so don' try sending shit to it). People were amused by the "baba" part of mine, I guess. So, I became "Babas." Funny thing is, Chris called me that for awhile before we became "an item." It's actually pretty weird to think of that now.
-"Bert": This one is hilarious (to me, at least!) Chris and I and some of our good friends went on a Spring Break trip to Memphis, TN freshman year of college (Chris and I were not yet "an item" at this point). One of my good friends (who was my bandmate, my roommate for two years, and my all-around partner-in-crime), who I call "Parker," pretty much planned the trip, and I think we sat together on the bus most of the way back (and yes, we took a Greyhound. 22 hours there, 13 hours back to Southwest VA. Oy. That's a whole other story...). Anyways, we were cracked-out on no sleep and probably too much coffee, and we invented a language, which we dubbed "Bertian." The way you speak "Bertian" is to add the word "Bert" onto the end of words. So the bus would have been "Bus-Bert!" And there's a sort of way you're supposed to say it, but it's hard to explain. Let's just say that it always has an exlamation point on the end! I believe I laughed for like 3-hours straight at "Bertian." After that, I became, simply, "Bert." I'm sure Parker will be mortified if she ever reads this. :)
-"Ryan-Loo": My good friend Jared always calls people (actually, usually females) "
-"Toast," "Toasty," "Toaster": This one is pretty amusing too. My friend Gina is the only one who calls me these. I told her the "Rye Bread" story, and she started calling me "Toast!" Quite cute and clever.
-"Babus": Chris calls me this one. It's like a Latin version of "Babe." You know, like an Ancient Roman Babe With a Toga Showing a Little Leg.
-"Ryan the Girl": I made this up. Turns out, there is already some other Ryan the Girl out there who cooks and blogs about it. Slut.
I feel like I'm leaving one out, but I can't figure out what it is. What are your nicknames?
*** UPDATE: Two people have now pointed out that I left nicknames out! My bad! Here are two more:
-"Reenst": I've called my sister "Bean" for as long as I can remember. That has been morphed into all sorts of things like "Bean-face," "Beanie," and "Beanst." Her counter to "Beanst" is "Reenst!"
-"Ryjan": I worked with a woman named Danelle (who goes by Danny). She called me "Ryjanelle" once, which was hilarious, and that got shortened to "Ryjan." She is now "Danjan!"