Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Stress-Free Zone

Just as the stress from my day-to-day life has been toying with the idea of giving me a complete nervous breakdown, my dad sends me an email that just says this:

Subject: Save the Date! Beach 2011! 
Body: Stress-Free Zone at Crown Point, Corolla

"Stree-Free Zone" refers to the name of the house. All the houses at The Outer Banks in NC have names (like boats or guitars. If I ever have a house in the OBX, I am going to name it "Bahahaha, I'm Rich!" or "Go Ahead, Hate Me" or "Bob"). Now, we've stayed at this house before, so I wasn't surprised when I saw the name, but the timing on my dad's email and my current state made kinda go "whoa." And, the fact that I received the email when I was all wound up made me all misty-eyed to think of being in one of my favorite places with no obligations. And the name of the house is just too perfect. It practically orders you to relax. I envision this bubble surrounding the house (for those of you who play too many video games, we'll go with "force field") that strips away your stress when you pass through it. This is what I need at my own house. Oh yeah, and everywhere else I ever go. Oh, and a beach would be nice to have. The beach is pretty much my favorite thing in the world.

I haven't actually gotten to go the beach in a couple years now. Perhaps this has something to do with me being stressed... haven't gotten my relaxation fix! So, Chris and I are taking a weekend away to go camping at First Landing State Park near VA Beach in a couple weeks. We're going to bring the canoe. It's going to be awesome. Can't wait to get me some-a dat BEACH.

R's Rs:

Listening: Gillian Welch, Time the Revelator. Great album.

Watching: Bones, Season 2

Reading: Chesapeake

Workout: Bob Harper's Weight Loss Yoga. The cool down is RELAXING...


  1. If I ever have a house in the OBX, I am going to name it "Bahahaha, I'm Rich!" or "Go Ahead, Hate Me" or "Bob"

    HAHAHA i literally laughed out loud when i read this! can't wait to be at the beach with you and chris again! it's been too long.

  2. I know, I can't wait for the beach this year!

  3. Hi,
    My name is Sarah and I'm with Dwellable. I was looking for blog posts about Crown Point to share on our site and I came across your post...If you're open to it, drop me a line at Sarah(at)dwellable(dot)com.
    Hope to hear from you :)


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