But I've been pretty focused on (and freaking out about) wedding stuffz this past week. We already have some of the big important stuff taken care of:
- Venue? Check.
- Caterer? (BBQ!) Check.
- Dress? (Eeeee, not telling you about it) Check.
- Shoes? (UPS expected delivery date: Monday) Check.
- Wedding rings? (Ooooh, shiny) Check.
- Save the Dates (Sent out!) Check.
- Celebrant? Check-a-roonie!
- Registries? Started them. So a half-check there.
But, right now I'm freaking out about the following:
- Photography. I know that people have to make a living doing this, and that there is a lot of effort put in to editing, etc after the hours spent taking pictures, and I truly believe that talent and skill should be paid for, but holy crap! Wedding photography costs more than a year's worth of car payments for me. Not sure what we're going to do about this.
- Cake. Cupcakes, actually. I'm going to tasting soon to see about the sweet stuff. If I had my way though, we'd have wedding ice cream, not wedding cakes...
- Hotel Rooms. We're going to have quite a few people coming from out of the area (we hope!). So we have to block rooms (and I'd prefer to do it sooner rather than later). What if I pick a hotel that is close and has great group rates, but when my family all gets there, turns out to be a hole? What if they run out of rooms before everyone has made their reservations? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!
- Menswear. Guys, I love Chris so much. But, if he had his way, he'd be wearing cargo shorts and crocs and possibly his Mountain Dew hat on our wedding day. So I have a feeling I'm going to have to take point on the clothes for him and his groomsmen. Problem is, I know zero about men's clothing. And the groom looks that I tend to like, Chris doesn't. Oy.
- The guest list. I know this so cliche, but seriously, this is stressing me out. We're already over the number we want to have, and it seems like people are finding new significant others, etc by the day, adding even more. Stop it!
Anyways, the other most recent exciting thing is that my mom is throwing us an engagement party. I can't wait for this. I kind of feel like the "yay, we're getting married!" steam has faded a bit of late, as we've both been busy, dealing with the loss of Coltrane, and trying to figure out some other big life decisions. I think the engagement party is the perfect excuse to be all kindsa focused on the whole pledging-to-be-together-forever thing.
So yeah, there's your dose of wedding-related blogging. I'm sure there will be more to come, but I promise not to hit you over the head with it.
Go ahead. Bore me to tears. I never did really have a wedding, so I'd be happy to hear about your plans :)